Evana contains tranexamic acid, recommended by NICE as a first-line non-hormonal treatment option for HMB2 

Patients can be reassured that they don’t need to suffer in silence when there is a range of effective HMB treatments available. 

Non-hormonal treatment options for HMB2:

  • The anti-fibrinolytic tranexamic acid, which is available OTC
  • An NSAID – these have been shown to cut menstrual bleeding by up to 50%.12 However, pharmacists should be aware that NSAIDs are not indicated for the treatment of HMB.

Hormonal treatment options for HMB (available on prescription) 2,9

  • A levonorgestrel intrauterine system is the first-line hormonal treatment choice
  • Combined hormonal contraception
  • Cyclical oral progestogen (norethisterone) – this can suppress menstruation which can be of particular benefit to those with HMB.

Where these treatments are unsuccessful, surgical interventions may be a suitable option.2,9

When should you refer to a doctor?

The following patients with HMB should be referred to their doctor for further investigation if they9,11:

  • have severe pain during their period
  • experience bleeding between periods or after sex
  • experience pain when having sex, micturition or passing stools
  • have a pelvic mass with unexplained bleeding or weight loss
  • are over 55 years of age and experiencing post-menopausal bleeding
  • have ascites (abnormal fluid collection in the abdomen) and/or pelvic or abdominal mass
  • have iron deficiency anaemia that is not responding to iron supplementation
  • have HMB that is not improving with OTC treatments.