Beyond the Stigma: Men’s Roles in Menstruation

Periods and Culture
man posing in red suit

Women make up almost 50%  of the world's population, yet most women feel that they are not listened to by healthcare professionals. This exclusion stems from a long history of biological and societal factors, including gender bias and lack of funding and research into the female body. Female orientated symptoms can often be dismissed as “normal” such as heavy periods or period pain, which could lead to more serious conditions being ignored until it is too late.

These prejudices can be dated back as far as ancient Greece when philosopher Aristotle described women as a '...deformed male; and the menstrual discharge is semen, though in an impure condition ...'. Although we have made significant progress in challenging such deeply rooted misconceptions since then, there is still a long way to go. In this article we investigate the role of men in dismantling stigma and advocating for women's health, specifically in relation to menstruation.

Breaking Down the Stigma

Open discussions about menstruation are often suppressed by the stigma surrounding the subject. The use of common euphemisms such as, “on the rag” or “shark week” to describe a women's period trivialise the topic and limit the amount of meaningful conversations that could otherwise take place. In addition, having the ability to openly discuss women’s health issues, such as period pains, can help make it easier to identify when something is not “normal”. 

Professor Hilary Critchley* FMedSci, a Professor of Reproductive Medicine at the University of Edinburgh and expert on menstruation, highlights the issue of under-reporting of heavy bleeding by women who experience menstruation, and the mental and physical impact it has on their daily lives. She partly attributes this lack of reporting to language taboos, stating “...very often those commonly used words… dumb down the importance of the complaint for the woman…”  and believes that “...everybody, man, woman, young, old, all backgrounds ought to be able to feel comfortable talking about periods…”.

Dr Amir Khan*, a full-time NHS General Practitioner and advocate for greater understanding of women's health, emphasises the need for both boys and girls to be educated early on menstruation, pregnancy and the menopause.  He has also covered the topic of medical racism and misogyny within the healthcare system, particularly in relation to the use of the term “Mrs Begum Syndrome”, a made up term used to describe female patients of South Asian heritage who present with symptoms that may be classed as “vague” or difficult to diagnose. He states that these terms are used “ a way of dismissing these ladies' symptoms and concerns…” and that it can lead to “...missing a potentially serious or manageable condition”.

woman smiling wearing red sunglasses

Male Allies in Women's Health Advocacy

It’s encouraging to see more and more men advocating for women's representation and raising awareness of the issues regarding women's health. To further illustrate the importance of male advocacy, we look at an inspiring example who actively seeks to understand and support women's health.

Pete Davis - Advocate and Ally 

"It's important to understand the situation they are in. You can't support your partner or friend without knowing the situation of where they are in their cycle at that point in time."

Pete Davis is a 39-year-old gym owner who has been actively educating himself about women's health, particularly the menstrual cycle, for the past 6-7 years. This interest was sparked by the fact that his wife, and some close friends, all have polycystic ovaries. He believes that understanding the menstrual cycle is crucial for men to provide both practical and emotional support to the women in their lives.

"Educating men about menstruation is vital. By educating men, and even women more about menstruation you can help create environments where women can be supported during menstruation... You can reduce resentment from lack of understanding."

When the women closest to Pete were diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, this sparked a desire to understand the complexities of the menstrual cycle and its impact on women's lives. He realised that many men, including himself previously, hold misconceptions about menstruation, assuming it's a uniform experience for all women. To bridge this knowledge gap, Pete actively engaged in learning about the menstrual cycle. He utilised the Flo app, read articles, listened to podcasts, and engaged in open conversations with the women in his life. This self-education led to a profound shift in his perspective.

"One of the challenges we face is making men more aware that there is information out there to learn from. There are many resources available, such as podcasts, social media and the internet which men can take advantage of to educate themselves."

Pete argues that this lack of understanding creates a barrier to providing adequate support for women. To challenge these stigmas, he actively engages in open discussions with other men, viewing these conversations as a critical step toward fostering a more supportive environment for women. Furthermore, Pete recognises that the complexity of women's health issues is sometimes misunderstood by healthcare providers due to insufficient education and training, particularly regarding the menstrual cycle. He highlights the importance of finding a knowledgeable healthcare provider who can effectively address women's health concerns and answer their questions. Pete urges men to challenge these biases and advocate for more inclusive policies, suggesting that workplaces consider the cyclical nature of women’s health and implement supportive measures, such as flexible working hours, to better meet women’s needs.

Pete's story showcases the positive impact men can have when they actively engage in understanding and advocating for women's health. His journey demonstrates that education, open communication, and a willingness to challenge societal norms are crucial steps towards creating a more supportive and equitable environment for women. 

Beyond the Conversation

While the prevalence of marginalisation of women's health issues and societal sexism and gender bias is deeply concerning, there is a glimmer of hope found in the growing movement of advocating for change. This is driven by passionate healthcare professionals and researchers and individuals like Pete Davis, who actively promote men's education and active participation in supporting women's health.

The need for change is clear: more funding for research on women's health, clinical trials that include women, and a healthcare system that recognises and meets the specific needs of women is essential. As a society, our goal should be to build a future where women's health gets the attention and care it deserves.

*Scientists and healthcare professionals featured in this article do not endorse any medicinal brands or products.

Professor Hilary Critchley, Fellow at The Academy of Medical Science, * and Professor of Reproductive Medicine at the University of Edinburgh

Dr Amir Khan, a full-time NHS GP, and GP trainer. 

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