Not everyone needs pain relief for period pain, but if you find you menstrual cramp symptoms are impacting your day-to-day life, then it's worth considering seeking treatment. There are lots of different options that can help you to feel better and get on with your life as normal. This applies if you have:

  • Primary dysmenorrhoea - lower abdominal cramps linked to your period, with no underlying cause. This type of period pain is believed to be caused by the production of prostaglandins released by the lining of the uterus during menstruation.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhoea - lower abdominal pain which may be present throughout the menstrual cycle but is exacerbated by menstruation and is caused by an underlying condition such as fibroids or endometriosis. 

What helps with period cramps?

Knowing what helps alleviate period cramps can be useful to reduce pain in the moment. For some, these options are enough to manage painful periods, but if your period pain is severe and you’re experiencing other symptoms such as chronic pelvic pain or tenderness, abnormal discharge, heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding between periods, rectal pain or bleeding, pain or bleeding during sex, loss of appetite, heartburn, or nausea, then speak to your doctor. They may then investigate your symptoms further to determine whether you have secondary dysmenorrhoea and require additional treatment for a root cause.

It’s also a good idea to ask a pharmacist for advice before starting any new pain relief treatments to ensure it’s suitable for you.

Anti-inflammatory or analgesic  medicines 

One of the first treatments you’ll likely be recommended to tackle painful periods are analgesic or anti-inflammatory medicines such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or naproxen.  These work by reducing the levels of prostaglandins in your blood that cause pain and inflammation, helping to ease your symptoms.  

Ultravana® is an example of an anti-inflammatory treatment option containing naproxen. When taken as directed during menstruation, it can reduce the symptoms of primary dysmenorrhoea.  Ultravana® is available to buy without prescription, either direct from our website or via participating pharmacies. 

Use of a TENS machine

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a type of pain relief that involves administering a mild electrical current to the painful area. This helps to reduce pain signals reaching your brain, as well as potentially increased endorphin production. Endorphins naturally help to alleviate pain. 

You can buy at-home TENS machines designed specifically for period pain online.

friends laughing one in red jumper

Hormonal treatments

Primary dysmenorrhoea is caused by your natural hormone levels, which can vary from person to person. Because of this, some people find that hormonal contraceptives such as the implant, injection or contraceptive pills help with period pains. It’s thought that this is because these contraceptives thin the lining of the uterus, making your period lighter and thus reducing the amount your uterus needs to contract to expel the tissue. 

Lovima® is one example of the progestogen-only pill or mini pill. This medicine is available online and in participating pharmacies without prescription. 

Lovima®  75mcg film-coated tablets. Desogestrel. Oral contraception. Always read the label.

woman in red shirt staring into mirror

Secondary dysmenorrhoea

The causes of period pain can vary, meaning that the right treatments for each case also vary. If you suspect you have secondary dysmenorrhoea, your GP may refer you to a specialist so that tests can be run to determine the exact cause of your symptoms. 

The key symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhoea can include:

  • A feeling of weight or heaviness in the abdomen or lower back
  • Abdominal pain experienced throughout the menstrual cycle, not just when you’re on your period
  • Any change in your usual menstruation experience - such as heavier periods, more intense pain or pain that lasts for longer, for example. 

If you are diagnosed with an underlying condition, then the treatment you receive will be tailored to treat that particular cause.

For example, if your symptoms are caused by fibroids, you may be offered medicine to shrink the benign growths, or surgery to remove them altogether. 

Whatever the cause of your secondary dysmenorrhoea, your doctor will explain to you in full what the best course of treatment is for you. You should feel free to ask them any questions you may have about your condition so you can be sure you understand everything you need to know.

Our menstrual health products


Do you suffer with disruptive periods?

Our menstrual health products are designed to provide effective relief from heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) and period pain, helping you to get on with your life.

Evana Heavy Period Relief Tablets and Ultravana Period Pain Relief Tablets are easily accessible both online and from a range of pharmacies without the need for a prescription. 

 Explore our website to find out more about our period medicines.